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- Online Technical Support(在线支持)
- Required settings
- Update Log
- News
- 消息
- Update Plan
- Flow Quik Start
{{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

TNT_AO | The value of aiming offset | 0-1 setting, 0 is off, 1 is on |
TNT_LeanFB | The value of mesh leans front and back | 0-1 setting, 0 is off, 1 is on |
TNT_LeanLR | The value of mesh leans left and right | 0-1 setting, 0 is off, 1 is on |
TNT_StrideWarping | Vault of Stride Warp | 0-1 setting, 0 is off, 1 is on |
TNT_Speed | Character velocity | Character velocity |
TNT_Rotation | Character Rotation | Can the character rotate? 0 is off |
TNT_FootPhase | FootPhase | 0-1 setting, where 0 is the left foot and 1 is the right foot Used to differentiate transition animations |

TNT_Distance | Distance matched curve | Used to match distance |

TNT_TurnYaw |
TNT_TurnYawWeight |
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