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- Beginners Guide
- RotEnabled
- DinamicWoodGridEnabled
- DinamicStoneGridEnabled
- DinamicConcreteGridEnabled
- IgnorePlanets
- VoxelMaterials
- DisableWaterModFreeIce
- RespawnSpacePodEnabled
- RespawnLargePodEnabled
- RespawnHeavyPodEnabled
- AutoGenerateStarSystemGps
- StarSystems
- DropContainerDeployHeight
- MoonDeployAltitude
- PlanetDeployAltitude
- Respawn Pods
- Wood Cutting
- Equipments
- Character Weapons
- SmallShipMaxSpeed
- LargeShipMaxSpeed
- ThrustersForceMultiplier
- ThrustersForceMultiplierByType
- ThrustersSlowdownFactor
- ThrustersSlowdownIncrementByType
- AntenaBroadcast
- AntenaDishBroadcastMultiplier
- BeaconBroadcast
- BeaconMaxPower
- OreDetectorMaxRange
- HydrogenEnergyMultiplier
- ThrustersMaxPowerMultiplier
- ThrustersMaxPowerMultiplierByType
- TankCapacityMultiplier
- TankLeakPercentMultiplier
- GasGeneratorIceConsumptionMultiplier
- GasGeneratorMaxPowerMultiplier
- EngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- EngineFuelConsumptionMultiplier
- ReatorMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- ReatorUraniumRatioMultiplier
- DismantleSettings
- ThermalEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- ThermalEngineFuelConsumptionMultiplier
- SteamEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- SteamEngineWoodRatioMultiplier
- VegetalEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- VegetalEngineOilRatioMultiplier
- MineralEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- MineralEngineOilRatioMultiplier
- WindTurbineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- SolarPanelMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- ProductivityModuleMultiplier
- EffectivenessModuleMultiplier
- EnergyModuleMultiplier
- TurbinePowerModuleMultiplier
- SmallDrillSensorMultiplier
- LargeDrillSensorMultiplier
- ShipGrinderSensorMultiplier
- BateryMultiplier
- ShipWelderSensorMultiplier
- Static Constructions
- Advanced Dismantle
- Ores
- Character Metabolism
- Character Nutrition
- Apple
- Amanita Muscaria
- Meat
- Noble Meat
- Alien Meat
- Alien Noble Meat
- Alien Egg
- Raw Meat Bowl
- Raw Noble Meat Bowl
- Raw Sausage
- Roast Meat
- Roast Sausage
- Fried Egg
- Stew
- Meatloaf
- Broccoli
- Beetroot
- Carrot
- Champignons
- Shiitake
- Tomato
- Raw Vegetable Bowl
- Salad
- Bread
- Cereal Bar
- Roast Mushrooms
- Mushroom Pate
- Vegetable Soup
- Meat With Vegetables
- Meat With Mushrooms
- Meat Soup
- Sandwich
- Shrimp Meat
- Fish Meat
- Noble Fish Meat
- Raw Fish Meat Bowl
- Roast Shrimp
- Roast Fish
- Roast Noble Fish
- Fish With Mushrooms
- Fish Soup
- Shrimp Soup
Superficial Mining
- Hard Mode
- Rotting System
- Road Map
- Bugs
- Requests
- OKI Grand Weapons Pack - Vanilla
- Giant Meteor Shower
Superficial Mining
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It is possible to get more than Stone when mining Soil.
When a soil voxel is mined:
Drop one of:
3% of chance to drop up to 20 Champignons
5% of chance to drop up to 20 Shiitake
1% of chance to drop up to 2 Amanita Muscaria (Alien soil only)
2% of chance to drop up to 1 Beetroot
2% of chance to drop up to 1 Carrot
3% of chance to drop up to 20 Arnica
3% of chance to drop up to 10 Chamomile
5% of chance to drop up to 5 Aloe Vera
3% of chance to drop up to 10 Mint
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