{{ wiki.title }}
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- Beginners Guide
- RotEnabled
- DinamicWoodGridEnabled
- DinamicStoneGridEnabled
- DinamicConcreteGridEnabled
- IgnorePlanets
- VoxelMaterials
- DisableWaterModFreeIce
- RespawnSpacePodEnabled
- RespawnLargePodEnabled
- RespawnHeavyPodEnabled
- AutoGenerateStarSystemGps
- StarSystems
- DropContainerDeployHeight
- MoonDeployAltitude
- PlanetDeployAltitude
- Respawn Pods
- Wood Cutting
- Equipments
- Character Weapons
- SmallShipMaxSpeed
- LargeShipMaxSpeed
- ThrustersForceMultiplier
- ThrustersForceMultiplierByType
- ThrustersSlowdownFactor
- ThrustersSlowdownIncrementByType
- AntenaBroadcast
- AntenaDishBroadcastMultiplier
- BeaconBroadcast
- BeaconMaxPower
- OreDetectorMaxRange
- HydrogenEnergyMultiplier
- ThrustersMaxPowerMultiplier
- ThrustersMaxPowerMultiplierByType
- TankCapacityMultiplier
- TankLeakPercentMultiplier
- GasGeneratorIceConsumptionMultiplier
- GasGeneratorMaxPowerMultiplier
- EngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- EngineFuelConsumptionMultiplier
- ReatorMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- ReatorUraniumRatioMultiplier
- DismantleSettings
- ThermalEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- ThermalEngineFuelConsumptionMultiplier
- SteamEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- SteamEngineWoodRatioMultiplier
- VegetalEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- VegetalEngineOilRatioMultiplier
- MineralEngineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- MineralEngineOilRatioMultiplier
- WindTurbineMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- SolarPanelMaxPowerOutputMultiplier
- ProductivityModuleMultiplier
- EffectivenessModuleMultiplier
- EnergyModuleMultiplier
- TurbinePowerModuleMultiplier
- SmallDrillSensorMultiplier
- LargeDrillSensorMultiplier
- ShipGrinderSensorMultiplier
- BateryMultiplier
- ShipWelderSensorMultiplier
- Static Constructions
- Advanced Dismantle
- Ores
- Character Metabolism
- Character Nutrition
- Apple
- Amanita Muscaria
- Meat
- Noble Meat
- Alien Meat
- Alien Noble Meat
- Alien Egg
- Raw Meat Bowl
- Raw Noble Meat Bowl
- Raw Sausage
- Roast Meat
- Roast Sausage
- Fried Egg
- Stew
- Meatloaf
- Broccoli
- Beetroot
- Carrot
- Champignons
- Shiitake
- Tomato
- Raw Vegetable Bowl
- Salad
- Bread
- Cereal Bar
- Roast Mushrooms
- Mushroom Pate
- Vegetable Soup
- Meat With Vegetables
- Meat With Mushrooms
- Meat Soup
- Sandwich
- Shrimp Meat
- Fish Meat
- Noble Fish Meat
- Raw Fish Meat Bowl
- Roast Shrimp
- Roast Fish
- Roast Noble Fish
- Fish With Mushrooms
- Fish Soup
- Shrimp Soup
- Superficial Mining
- Hard Mode
- Rotting System
- Road Map
- Bugs
- Requests
- OKI Grand Weapons Pack - Vanilla
- Giant Meteor Shower
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Represents how much damage the player can take, if it reaches 0 the character dies.
The mod default setup removes passive regeneration, medical rooms are now called Spawn Center and no longer regenerate health, and the survival kit only regenerates up to 50%, above that need to use healing consumables.
Depending on the amount of damage received or accumulated, the player can receive negative Damage Effects.
If hard mode activated:
When character dies the start value is modified by the debuff.
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