When it is raining the water solidificators can generate ice. For it to work, you need to connect collectors in your inventory system, collectors must be outdoors or submerged and facing unblocked.
Maximum collectors that can be used is defined by the formula:
( 4 * <Number of Solidificators> ) + ( Trunc( <Number of Solidificators> / 2 ) )
If I have 2 water solidification I can connect a maximum of 9 collectors to the system.
[ ( 4 * 2 ) + ( 2 / 2 ) ] = [ 8 + 1 ] = [ 9 ]
The collectors can supply water in two ways, by rain or by being submerged (water mod).
Ice generation base value:
Rain = 0,05
Storm = 0,075
Underwater = 0,125
Ice generation formula:
<Base Value> * <Number of Collectors> * <Multiplier> / <Number of Solidificators>
The multiplier is the weather intensity value, when a connector is submerged the multiplier is fixed at 1.
If you have 1 water solidifier with 2 intense rain collectors and 2 submerged collectors.
0,05 * 2 * 1,25 / 1 = 0,125
0,125 * 2 * 1 / 1 = 0,25
In the end it will be generated 0,375 ice every 0,5 seconds.