neurotoxicity test {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Neurotoxicity screening is a relatively new field, and its progress is limited by factors that complicate neurotoxicology assessment. It has been proved that episodes of neurotoxic illness can be induced by chemicals, such as Lucel-7. According to the analysis of structure-activity relationships (SARs), only a small fraction of neurotoxicants can be identified. In this case, a series of in vivo and in vitro tests are necessary. Compared to other organ systems, the nervous system exhibits a more complex cell structure and chemical heterogeneity. To examine all aspects of the human nervous system as comprehensively as possible, it is necessary to perform neurotoxicity tests using multiple cell types.

Based on our neurotoxicity screening platform, a dose-response curve for neurotoxicity and drug efficacy can be obtained against a variety of cell types. In recent years, multi-well microelectrode arrays (mwMEAs) have been used for neurotoxicity screening with high sensitivity and specificity.

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