Size: 6
Input Response Feature: No
Quality Feature: Yes
The ‘Bone Location & Velocity’ match feature conveniently combines the separate ‘Bone Location’ and ‘Bone Velocity’ match features into one. Essentially every time you have a bone with which you want to match both location and velocity, it is better to use this combined feature instead of two separate ones.
Not only is it convenient, but it helps prevent mistakes and has better performance.
Please see the ‘Bone Location’ and ‘Bone Velocity’ match features sections for details on how each aspect of this feature behaves.
The settings for this feature are similar to that of the ‘Bone Location’ and ‘Bone Velocity’ match features except an additional default weighting is provided to differentiate the velocity weighting from the location weighting.

Default Velocity Weighting - The weighting for the velocity aspect of the match feature
Default Weight - The weighting for the location aspect of the match feature
Bone Reference - The bone to match location and velocity for
Data Layout
The ‘Bone Location & Velocity’ match feature consists of 6 floats representing two 3D vectors for the relative bone location and velocity respectively. Essentially this is a combination of the data layout for bone location and bone velocity one after the other.
|| Pos_X | Pos_Y | Pos_Z || Vel_X | Vel_Y | Vel_Z ||