Millions of cat owners lose their feline friends at some point. Cats are naturally adventurous; All it takes is one unsupervised moment for a cat to run out and roam the streets. You can do many things to ensure a safe return when you have a lost cat. One of the easiest is providing a tagged collar.
A collar shows people that your cat belongs to someone. Invest in an engraved tag to ensure anyone who finds your kitty will have all the information they need to set up a reunion. But what should you put on your cat's collar tag?
Your Cat's Name
This information might seem pointless, but it can make a big difference. Imagine if your cat becomes scared and holes up under someone's house. Others might try to coax them out, and using their name can make that easier.
If your cat responds to their name, including it on the tag will make the lives of good samaritans much easier.
Phone Numbers
Don't forget to include your phone number. If possible, include two, just in case. Phone numbers are one of the first things people look for when they find a lost cat. They can use that number to contact you and arrange a pickup.
Health Information
Here's something that not every cat owner will need to provide. But if your feline friend has medical conditions that affect their well-being or behavior, including it on the tag can save their lives.
For example, cats with chronic diseases might need life-saving medications every day. If someone finds your cat and brings them to a vet, they can administer it. It's also a good idea to include information notifying others if your cat is deaf or blind.
Microchip Status
Another thing you can include is a small notification of your cat's microchip status. Something simple like "Chipped" is all you need. That word lets others know that your cat has a microchip, and they can scan the cat's body to find it, connect to a database and pull up your contact information.
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Jeson Clarke advises people about lost and found pets database, which can increase your chances of a happy reunion. You can find his thoughts at lost animal app blog.