Adding a miniguns
You just need to find a P_Minigun particle component and copy it. After that, change its location. Be sure that your particle component has the ‘Minigun’ tag. It is very IMPORTANT.
Find a rocket_1 static mesh component and copy it. Be sure that copied component contains these two tags. The first one should be the same (rocket), but the second one should be different. This is necessary in order for the missiles to queue up.
Again, just copy and paste this static mesh component. Take a look on the tag, it should be the same.
Heat traps
Changing the health value
Adding a miniguns
You just need to find a P_Minigun particle component and copy it. After that, change its location. Be sure that your particle component has the ‘Minigun’ tag. It is very IMPORTANT.
Find a rocket_1 static mesh component and copy it. Be sure that copied component contains these two tags. The first one should be the same (rocket), but the second one should be different. This is necessary in order for the missiles to queue up.
Again, just copy and paste this static mesh component. Take a look on the tag, it should be the same.
Heat traps
Changing the health value