Hi! Here you can find the documentation related to Modern RPG and Modern RPG Bundle projects. If you have any questions you can contact us in the discord. Please, tell us if you don’t find a theme that you consider important. This wiki is still in development.
All screenshots are in good resolution, so please, click on a screenshot see it better. You can also try to watch video-tutorials, they are very helpful. The easiest way to find a blueprint or asset I am talking about in in the tutorial is to you use the search bar:
Hi! Here you can find the documentation related to Modern RPG and Modern RPG Bundle projects. If you have any questions you can contact us in the discord. Please, tell us if you don’t find a theme that you consider important. This wiki is still in development.
All screenshots are in good resolution, so please, click on a screenshot see it better. You can also try to watch video-tutorials, they are very helpful. The easiest way to find a blueprint or asset I am talking about in in the tutorial is to you use the search bar: