The item system stores the item data using Data Assets. Data Assets are meant to be data only, which means you should not manipulate variables in a data asset with code. You should only set the item data from within the data asset file in the editor window.
Items are located in Content > AdvancedARPGCombat > AshenCombatFramework > InventorySystem > Items
Item Hierarchy
An inventory item, derived from the BP_AshenItemBase class, is the base data asset class for every item. From there, child classes are created to define certain default data for each item type. For example, a weapon would need a set of default data that is different from the default data for a tool or piece of armor.
Base Item
The base item class is the BP_AshenItemBase data asset. This asset contains all the data that can define different types of items. I will provide some details on a few of the important variables.
Equipable Actor Class - the item actor class that is associated with this item. |
Equip Slot - the slot this item will equip to |
Default Attach Socket - the starting attach socket when the item is inactive |
Active Attach Socket - the attach socket when the item is active |
Item ID - optional string to identify items. This is not required and can be left blank, only use this if you have some need for it. |
Item Type - What type of item is this? This should define which item category this item belongs to |
Item Panel - the inventory panel that this item will be added to |
There are also other types of information that are item-specific. Such as weapon type, ammo type, armor type, etc.