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What is FlowMove?
Start the FlowMove system and run amok in almost any scene!
Rest assured that FlowMove will allow your character to automatically overcome all obstacles!
Dodge, sprint, climb, slide shovel, pedal wall, glide, qualitative movement towards target... And any of the coolest Movements you can think of!
Watch the trailer now, and I believe once you see it, you can't wait to integrate it into your own game!
What are the characteristics of FlowMove?
The FlowMove system is different from all other Movement systems on the market.
It focuses on the coolest and most expressive methods of Movement.
Fully implemented using C++, it can be used in both C++and blueprints!
FlowMove can use its own animation blueprint and operate in a Linked AnimbuluePrint manner.
So when you integrate FlowMove into your own project, you don't need to make any changes to your own animation system, just add FlowMove components to your character, and everything can start working!
FlowMove is not only a complete set of Movement solutions, but also a carefully designed Movement framework.
This means that if you want, under the framework of FlowMove, you can completely customize your own unique Movement system.And almost completely eliminates the need to consider complex network replication issues, just focusing on the creation of game logic.
(By inheriting the base class provided by FlowMove, you can fully customize Perceptron, Move control, runtime scripting logic.etc. All these customized extensions to FlowMove can be implemented in both C++and Blueprint).
This is absolutely revolutionary.
Because most of the Movement systems on the market have set the character's Movement status in advance, all you can do is simply replace some resources in these restricted states.
Moreover, almost all of these Movement systems are based on animation blueprints, so when using them, you have to modify your own animation system. This is really too much trouble!