Perception Settings {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Perception settings can be configured directly from behavior manager component, and can be updated at runtime, similar to how character movement component is designed in unreal engine.

For perception system to work it is necessary for AIPerception Component from unreal to be a component of your Agent’s AI Controller class.

Affiliations and Sense type

All the actors that need to be perceived by an agent will require AIPerceptionStimuliSource to be enabled and configured in your actor’s class. Moreover, to be recognized by our system you ll need to add the affiliation as a tag. That will be recognized as you actor affiliation when perception scoring functionality is active.

Adding Affilitation tag to an actor in AIPerceptionStimuliSource Component.

On the same note, you can setup your agent’s perceived affiliation filter, to do so you’ll need to click your agent’s behavior component and under perception category, in affiliations variable you can set all the tags that this agent will consider as Enemy, Neutral or Friendly.

Define your agent's affiliation filter in behavior component.

Ignored Tags

Fill Ignored Tag List, any target that has one of them will be ignored by your agent.

You can also define a set of tags for your agent to ignore, if one of the perceived targets happens to contain one of these tags, it will be ignored and won’t be assigned into any affiliation category. These tags can be updated at runtime as well.

Additionally you can ignore an specific target or current target (per affiliation) by duration, by calling one of this functions:

Ignore Functions.

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