Animation Locomotion Template Setup {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Implementing our Locomotion Template for your character states will solve the hassle of repeating the locomotion setup for the many states your character can enter into, such as blocking, aiming, patrolling, combat, etc. Move over it allows you to keep all your character states and its animation assets organized.

In order to create an animation blueprint based from out template you will need to search for ABP_CharMotion_Base anim template and create a child selecting your character’s associated skeleton.

Templated Animation Blueprint Creation

After creating the templated animbp, open it, and assign the correct animation assets using asset override windows, as you see it fit, You can leave the animation slot empty if your character doesn’t support it.

Assigning Animation Assets.

Also, you can further customize the features of the anim template by changing the default parameters in your child templated animbp:

Anim Template Settings
  • Settings Category:

    • Allow Turn Ins: Enable or disable Turn in transitions.

    • Allow Internal Root Rotation: Enable or Disable Root Rotation by Rotation Offset Calculation. (should be disabled if this templated animbp is used in bone-layered blends) (*) Now configurable directly in DA_LocoSettings.

    • 90° Turn Threshold: Rotation offset towards target that triggers turn in place sequences.

    • Turn In Delay Threshold: Time in seconds to start transition to turn in sequence.

  • Read Category: Allow to preview your character’s animation in the animbp viewport.

Finally Once you set up your character’s Templated Animation blueprints, you can assemble them in a main animbp dedicated to your character, like in the following examples:

Added Templated Animation in main Anim blueprint.

More Complex Use case.

Important Notes:

When Setting blendspaces in our template animation blueprint make sure you assign speed category in an enumerated way, disregarding specific associated speeds. You can use the following image as an example:

Mapped to Enum way of setting the blended animations.

Also make sure to add at least some smotthing time to the speed axis, since otherwise the animation will blend directly, which is not desired.

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