A Comprehensive Guide to BFF2401 Unit {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

 A Comprehensive Guide to BFF2401 Unit

Do you wish to pursue a course in Commercial Banking and Finance? If you feel confident that you can provide  sitxfin004 task answers, upon taking a look at the course, then go for it. However, before you make a decision, you need to know about the course details.

The Unit   

In the context of the global environment, this subject analyses the major risks and difficulties that Australian financial institutions face. Some of the topics that are covered in this unit are:

Download the bff2401 assessment answers.

· introduction to the Australian banking environment,

· bank performance,

· risk management, including credit,

· capital, liquidity, and interest rate risk,

· loan pricing,

· liability management,

· investment management, and

· capital sufficiency

What are the prerequisites for this course?  

In this section, you will get to know some of the prerequisites of the unit.

o Foundations of finance (BFB1001 6CP)

o Foundations of finance (BFF1001 6CP)

o Foundations of finance (BFW1001 6CP)

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What are some of the learning outcomes?

Once you complete this unit, you will be able to:

ü Comprehend derivative and non-market related contracts used by financial institutions.

ü Explore the key risks and related prudential regulations that banks face, as well as considerations to consider in risk management.

ü Evaluate bank performance, appropriate quantitative and qualitative data or qualities.

ü Grasp how a financial institution's assets and liabilities are managed

ü Sequence the Basel prudential framework with respect to the Australian context.

ü Clearly and effectively communicate solutions, applying the knowledge in the above areas in a logical manner. This is in relation to activities dealing with commercial banking and finance. And you have to demonstrate the acquisition of a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered by BFF2401 in an individual summative assessment task.

What is the Assessment?

The value is 40% within the semester assessment. The value is 60% for examination. The hurdle type is Threshold.

This unit has a hurdle criterion that must be met in order for the unit to be passed. Failure to meet a hurdle criterion results in a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.

What is the Workload Requirement?

The minimum total required workload to meet the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester. This is typically split between organised learning activities and individual study. Readings, assessments, and preparation for scheduled activities may all be part of independent study. On average, the unit requires three to four hours of programmed activities per week. A combination of teacher-directed learning, peer-directed learning, and internet interaction may be included in the scheduled activities.

Hopefully, you have an insight into the chcprp001 solutions course. If you have any queries related to seek professional help. 


Ref:- https://managementmania.com/en/blog/liam-ann/-a-comprehensive-guide-to-bff2401-unit

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