Anavar, Prop & Tren Ace (Advanced cutting cycle) This cycle is not a pre-contest cycle, but rather a cycle to cut down on fat after a bulking phase. Trenbolone is added due to its remarkable fat burning abilities, but it should be noted that this trenbolone dosage is quite high and not recommended for a first time trenbolone user. Anapolon (Oxymetholone) Anapolon has been the strongest, oral steroidal compound, which is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which has been currently only available for institutional use in Mexico. Clinically, Anapolon had been often prescribed in efforts to treat anemias that had been caused by deficient red cell production. In addition, Winstrol is a DHT-based drug and Tren is a 19-nor& throw in some Testosterone (prop), and you'll have a cutting cycle which takes advantage of all 3 major families of Anabolic Steroids (Testosterone, 19-nor, and DHT), as well as vastly different AR-binding affinities and mechanisms of action. Anapolon, tren, prop, deka? Temat Doping. Witam. Sytucaja wygląda tak, jestem w 12 dniu anapolon u po 1tabl dziennie i propie 1ml co drugi dzien. Mam jeszcze tren a acetate(10ml) i deke(20ml). Deke kupilem z tego wzgledu ze mialem okazyjnie tanio i zastanawiam sie czy moglbym zrobic z tego uzytek. Anapolon, tren, prop, deka? Temat Doping. Witam. Sytucaja wygląda tak, jestem w 12 dniu anapolon u po 1tabl dziennie i propie 1ml co drugi dzien. Mam jeszcze tren a acetate(10ml) i deke(20ml). Deke kupilem z tego wzgledu ze mialem okazyjnie tanio i zastanawiam sie czy moglbym zrobic z tego uzytek.
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Anavar, Prop & Tren Ace (Advanced cutting cycle) This cycle is not a pre-contest cycle, but rather a cycle to cut down on fat after a bulking phase. Trenbolone is added due to its remarkable fat burning abilities, but it should be noted that this trenbolone dosage is quite high and not recommended for a first time trenbolone user. Anapolon (Oxymetholone) Anapolon has been the strongest, oral steroidal compound, which is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which has been currently only available for institutional use in Mexico. Clinically, Anapolon had been often prescribed in efforts to treat anemias that had been caused by deficient red cell production. In addition, Winstrol is a DHT-based drug and Tren is a 19-nor& throw in some Testosterone (prop), and you'll have a cutting cycle which takes advantage of all 3 major families of Anabolic Steroids (Testosterone, 19-nor, and DHT), as well as vastly different AR-binding affinities and mechanisms of action. Anapolon, tren, prop, deka? Temat Doping. Witam. Sytucaja wygląda tak, jestem w 12 dniu anapolon u po 1tabl dziennie i propie 1ml co drugi dzien. Mam jeszcze tren a acetate(10ml) i deke(20ml). Deke kupilem z tego wzgledu ze mialem okazyjnie tanio i zastanawiam sie czy moglbym zrobic z tego uzytek. Anapolon, tren, prop, deka? Temat Doping. Witam. Sytucaja wygląda tak, jestem w 12 dniu anapolon u po 1tabl dziennie i propie 1ml co drugi dzien. Mam jeszcze tren a acetate(10ml) i deke(20ml). Deke kupilem z tego wzgledu ze mialem okazyjnie tanio i zastanawiam sie czy moglbym zrobic z tego uzytek.