WWAdOps Group Links
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Be a part of WWAdOps on WhatsApp, Telegram or LinkedIn OR all of them.
WWAdops WhatsApp Groups
Group 1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/E9rLM8mbPRuCLeq94Hklpr
Group 2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/1wcLcXZRd58GBNzXrI1IJH
WWAdops Telegram - https://t.me/wwadops
WWAdops LinkedIn Group - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/10446081/
Team WWAdops
Top Suggested Links for AdOps Professionals:
# Click here for a list of exclusive AdOps specific Certifications (mostly free). #Skillup
# We WWAdOps’ians meet every month online. Find next meeting details here.
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