Popular testosterone supplements, testosterone cypionate, propionate and enanthate have traditionally been injected through Intramuscular means as this was previously seen as the only possible method for providing patients with the testosterone esters. Subcutaneous Testosterone injections, or Subq testosterone injections, are quickly gaining in popularity by physicians and patients as the easiest way to self administer testosterone treatment injections. Why Subq Testosterone injections over IM Testosterone injections #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitness #healthylifestyle #motivation #healthy #health #workout #diet #fitnessmotivation #healthyfood #fit #weightlosstransformation #gym #fitfam #exercise #nutrition #slimmingworld #healthyeating #fatloss #keto #weightlossmotivation #bodybuilding #transformation #healthyliving #lifestyle #gymlife #training #bhfyp #Ravindra.fit.coach
I have been using test undeconate at 750mg/month IM for years and getting ready to try 70mg / 5 days a week for two weeks, once a month sub q and see how it goes. Not as bad as it sounds since the 70mg will only be .20ml. I have been doing Sub Q injections for quite a few years now and get good results. #cannabidiol #cbd #cbdoil #cannabis #hemp #cannabiscommunity #cbdlife #cbdhealth #cbdproducts #hemp #cbdheals #health #organic #wellness #cannabisculture #cbdbenefits #cbdwellness #cannabinoids #cbdvape #cbdshop #cbdhemp #medicine #painrelief #hempheals #hempcbd #cbdcures #natural #hemplife #endocannabinoidsystem #healthylifestyle My TRT prescription is Cyp but it works with Enth too. One thing I've learned is the carrier oil matters too. In food based oils I excrete my TRT pretty quick hence daily injections. Lately I've been using Test E in castor oil and my levels just came back at 7000+ using 500mgs weekly. I attribute it to the oil differences.