Do steroids help perioral dermatitis?
Topical steroids can also clear a mild patch of perioral dermatitis temporarily. Some people will have tried a steroid cream, which can be bought at pharmacies, to treat what they think is mild eczema. However, as soon as the rash clears and the steroid is stopped, the rash reappears, only even worse.
Can oral steroids cause perioral dermatitis?
Periorificial dermatitis may be brought on by: Topical steroids, either when they are applied to the face on purpose or by accident. Nasal steroids, steroid inhalers, and oral steroids. Cosmetic creams, make-ups and sunscreens.
How can I speed up the healing of perioral dermatitis?
Antifungal treatments, like miconazole (Monistat) or clotrimazole (Lotrimin), can seem like a good way to treat perioral dermatitis. Antifungal creams have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce redness, stop itching, and help your skin heal. You've likely used an antifungal cream in the past to treat a rash.
How do you calm down perioral dermatitis?
Natural remedies for perioral dermatitis include:
Ceasing the use of steroids.
Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet to improve gut health.
Eliminating acne treatments and anti-aging products from your skincare routine.
Using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer formulated for sensitive skin.

What do doctors prescribe for perioral dermatitis?
In severe forms of perioral dermatitis, systemic treatment with antirosacea drugs is required. The drugs of choice are doxycycline (or tetracycline) and minocycline. In unresponsive and granulomatous forms, oral isotretinoin may be considered.
What causes perioral dermatitis to flare up?
One of the most common factors is prolonged use of topical steroid creams and inhaled prescription steroid sprays used in the nose and the mouth. Overuse of heavy face creams and moisturizers are another common cause. Other causes include skin irritations, fluorinated toothpastes, and rosacea.
Does oral clindamycin treat perioral dermatitis?
Topical antibiotics are usually the starting point in treating perioral dermatitis. Examples of topical antibiotics include metronidazole, clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfacetamide and azelaic acid.
How long does it take perioral dermatitis to go away?
What can be expected with treatment? Most patients improve with two months of oral antibiotics. If corticosteroid creams were used for treatment, there may be a brief flare-up when the creams are stopped. If antibiotic treatment is stopped too early however, the problem can come back.
Can oral prednisone cause dermatitis?
4 In severe rhus dermatitis, oral prednisone should be tapered over two to three weeks because rapid discontinuation of steroids can cause rebound dermatitis. A steroid dose pack has insufficient dosing and duration and should not be prescribed.
Should you moisturize perioral dermatitis?
In general, you want to avoid lots of oils and heavy moisturizers on skin inflamed with Perioral Dermatitis, so you won't find any oil-based products in this category in our beauty store, except for Osmia's Nectar, which Sarah has said has worked fine for her skin.
How do I get rid of perioral dermatitis on my face?
How do dermatologists treat perioral dermatitis?
Stop applying all corticosteroids, including hydrocortisone cream, to your skin.
Take an antibiotic, such as tetracycline or erythromycin.
Change your skin care routine.
Is CeraVe good for perioral dermatitis?
Washing your face is an important way to remove dirt and oil, even if you have perioral dermatitis. The key is to use a gentle cleanser designed for sensitive skin. Brand-name options include Dove, CeraVe, and Cetaphil cleansers.
Will perioral dermatitis heal on its own?
Perioral dermatitis usually clears up on its own a few weeks after a person stops using topical steroids. Using fragrance-free products helps to avoid irritating the skin while it heals.
What vitamins are good for perioral dermatitis?
Supplements that may be worth trying: Black cumin seed oil capsules, vitamin C, zinc, B-complex and evening primrose oil. I definitely believe that diet plays a role in PD.
Does perioral dermatitis get worse before it gets better?
Perioral dermatitis is difficult to treat and can last for months. According to the AOCD, even after a few weeks of treatment, the condition can get worse before it improves. In some people, perioral dermatitis may become chronic.