There is nothing happier than a puppy with a favorite chew toy. If you have ever watched a puppy gnaw away in bliss, you know the pleasure that is a pup. You can leave long-term dental toys for puppies when you work from home to keep them occupied.

You may think why puppies like to chew so much and if chewing for puppies has any dental health advantages. Dogs of all ages like to chew things. But puppies are especially prone to testing their new teeth on chewable toys for puppies.
Why Do Puppies Chew?
Between 12 and 24 weeks, puppies are at the starting of their teething period. This means that a puppy’s baby teeth begin to fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth, which are more powerful than puppy teeth. This can be an uncomfortable time for puppies and frustrating for their human parents. At this stage, puppies are chewed to soothe discomfort. As puppies get older, chewing may do for amusement. Chewing is also something that is naturally done to keep jaws strong and teeth clean.
After your puppy becomes 24 weeks old, it will be ready for more adult dog teething toys. Rope toys, distraction toys that can be filled with fetch toys, treats, and comfort toys are all great options, and you will have to figure out what kind of toy your pup prefers the most! Always select toys that are designed for dogs and not children.
Benefits of chewing for puppies

Just like kids, puppies are easily fed up. Also, like children, they will find something to do when left to their devices. That something will frequently be something you do not want them to do. Chewy dog toys, interactive dog toys, and daily exercises can help stop such destructive behavior.
When teeth push through the gums, it hurts. Durable rubber chew toys can help alleviate the pain by massaging the gums. The pup can control how hard or soft they chew and where they chew based on the soreness. In a way, it is like how you can control rubbing a sore muscle on your body.
Dental chew toys assist your dog’s teeth to stay cleaner by removing plaque and tartar buildup, which helps stop periodontal disease. Some of the best dog toys for chewing come with bristles or are infused with tempting flavors like bacon flavor, chicken flavor, or even peanut butter.