How to Align Headlights for an MOT Test? (The Complete Guide) {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

As you plan to take your vehicle for its MOT test, it’s worth doing a pre-MOT inspection to increase the chances of your vehicle passing with MOT. In March 2016, a new testing guideline for car headlights was introduced. 

It emphasises the importance of correct alignment, stating it shouldn’t just be a quick check. So the question is how can you check that your headlights are aligned correctly before you take your vehicle for its annual MOT Test Stoke On Trent?

How to Check Headlight Alignment?

First, examine the headlamp alignment to see whether it is correct and if it requires adjustment. You can complete this in a few simple steps.

Begin by eliminating any additional weight, such as objects in the boot, as this may result in an incorrect reading. Once your automobile is in position, push down on each corner to level the shocks. Then, measure the distance between the ground and both front headlights to confirm that the suspension is level.

Now you can switch on the headlights, but make sure they are set to a standard rather than beam or fog. The headlights will create a circle shape on the wall. Mark a plus sign on the wall with two pieces of tape or a pencil. 

One line should run vertically from the top of the circle to the bottom, while the other should run horizontally from side to side. Your headlights are located in the middle of the two lines.

To ensure that the centre of both plus signs is the same height, use a tape measure. If they aren't, you may need to decrease one plus sign to make them equal in height.

How to Adjust Headlights?

So you've established that your headlights need to be adjusted, but how do you do it? First, locate your headlamp adjustment screws and use a screwdriver to spin them clockwise or anticlockwise until they are at the proper level.

Where are the Headlight Adjustment Screws?

Because each vehicle is unique, you need to consult your owner's handbook to find out where the headlight adjustment screws are. In most cars, you'll need to remove the trim around the headlights, which should be situated within the housing. 

If you can't find them, they could be behind the battery, in which case you should have a professional set your headlights. Once you've discovered the screws, you can start making your modifications. Put a blanket or an article of clothing over the headlamp that isn't being adjusted. 

Turn off the lights and use a screwdriver to turn the screws until the headlamp is at the desired level. Turn your headlights back on to check if any additional adjustments are required. There should be two screws: one to adjust the lamp vertically and another to align it horizontally. Make each adjustment one at a time.

It's always a good idea to verify the manufacturer's instructions, since they may specify the height at which your headlights should point as well as how to remove the headlight shell.

How to Adjust LED Headlights?

The LED bulb headlights must be properly positioned. This is because they can be brighter than traditional headlights, and you don't want to distract or blind other drivers, which could be harmful. You can align your LED headlights in the same method that we mentioned earlier.

What is a Headlight Beam Setter?

A beam setter is a gadget that automatically tracks your headlight alignment, eliminating the need to measure everything and mark tape on the walls. A headlamp setter is commonly used in MOT tests to assess your vehicle's headlight alignment.

What Extra Items Should I Examine Before My MOT?

The only reason your vehicle headlights are checked during an MOT test is that the tester wants to check if they are misaligned, malfunctioning or hazy which can impede your visibility and cause an accident. 

According to the Government website, lighting and signalling account for 30% of all MOT problems, and one in every five cars has a lighting issue, such as blown light bulbs. So, what else should you check before taking your automobile for its annual MOT?

You should ensure that all of your lights function properly. This comprises the indicators, brake lights, and fog lights. They should also be secure, with casings that don't move when pushed. It is best to do a car service to solve most of the problems in your car before the test.

The lights must be in good working order and the proper, legal colour (white, white with a faint blue tint, or warm white). The light casing should not be misty or foggy. 

This is usually caused by normal road conditions, particles like salt or grit, or water vapour. You can remove the casing and clear the cloudiness away. If water vapour builds up frequently, you may need to seal the headlights to keep rainwater out.

You should also make sure your Car Tyres Stoke On Trent are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure. Then, park your automobile about 60 centimetres from a wall or garage door.

There is a reason, why your headlights are checked during an MOT, are misaligned, malfunctioning or hazy headlights can impede your visibility and cause an accident. 

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