In order to make sure you understand how to do this assignment, you agents will have to watch a briefing video in order to understand how to complete the mission. The easiest way to do this is by hearing a catchy song: Shapes Song!
Since, you agents watched your briefing video you can now understand how to complete your mission. We will provide you with a poster board, scissors, and glue. Each team will have to cut the shapes out and glue them to the board. You agents will be working in groups named by a color. You must work together in order to correctly name each shape and glue it next to its family name.
2. Blue Agents: You will have to work together to cut and glue the 2D shapes to their name. You have to cut and glue them to the poster board. The 2D shapes need help being brought back to their families! Here is the worksheet which your teacher will help you print it out, so you can cut and glue them with their families: Shapes Worksheet and Shapes’ Labels.
3. Yellow Agents: You will have to work together to cut and glue the 3D shapes to their name. You have to cut and glue them to the poster board. The 3D shapes need to be brought back to their families! Here is the worksheet which your teacher will help you print it out, so you can cut and glue them with their families: 3D Shapes Worksheet.
4. Red Agents: You will have to work together to cut and glue the everyday objects to their shape and label. You will have to cut and glue them on the poster board after the other groups have put theirs up. This can help you and other agents have an easier time naming them later on in later cases. Here is the worksheet which your teacher will help you print it out, so you can label them correctly: Everyday objects.

You all will cut and glue your shapes to the poster board next to their labels. Then, you will label the everyday object to the shape. You can also look at additional resources or quizzes to check your learning. After this, you will explain your findings to the class. Thanks for your help agents! Congrats on cracking the case!! We couldn’t have done it without you.