Folktales and the Horror Narrative
Folklore and Folktales: A Primer
Fear as a Social Construct
Fear Narratives in Oral Traditions
Horror Cinema as Modern Folktale
The Transmission of Culture
Horror Movies as Cultural Transmitters
Horrors of the Political Machine: Xenophobia and Alien Invasions
Orwellian Dystopias and the Spectacle: Society, Family, and the Individual
The Warnings of Helpful Animals: The Role of Minorities and Children
The “Final Girl”: Gender Tropes and Transgressions
Carnal Carnage: Sexuality and the Eroticism of Violence
Geist in the Machine: Cyberphobia, Transhumanism, and Techno-eschatology
Horror Cinema Deconstructed
Fables: Morality, Monsters, and the Mad Scientist
Fairy Tales: Vengeful Ghosts and Other Supernatural Horrors
Tall Tales: Found Footage and False Truths
Legends: Sensationalized Reality and Urban Lore
Myths: Religious and Demonic Horrors
Anecdotes: Gallows Humor and the Caricature of Terror