Common Reasons Why Car Tyres Lose Air Pressure Over Time?

Car tyres are useless without proper air pressure. Car makers do not use solid rubber to make tyres. They make a design that uses air pressure to inflate tyres. Air pressure in tyres works like a cushion to reduce the effects of bumps and potholes.

filling the air in the car Bridgestone Tyres Shirley like a balloon would not fulfil your objectives. You have to inflate your tyres according to the guidelines of your user manual.

Air pressure would not be the same for different vehicles. What is correct for you will be wrong for others. Thus, you have to determine the correct air pressure for your tyres by looking at the user manual.

It is possible the air pressure is higher or lower than the correct level.

Low air pressure in tyres takes place due to several reasons.

Tyres lose air pressure normally due to some common reasons. You have no control over these normal reasons. Some reasons for low air pressure are abnormal and you can avoid it by proper tyre maintenance.

Have a glance!

Normal reasons for low air pressure

Seasonal changes:

During freezing temperatures, tyres become too cold and air pressure is down as a result. The molecules of air move slowly due to cold air. The molecules move quickly and increase the air pressure in your car tyres during hot months. 


Generally, tyres lose air pressure at the rate of 1 to 3 psi every month. Since it is a natural process, you cannot stop it completely. Thus, it is better to check the air pressure regularly to avoid negative outcomes.

Abnormal Reasons For Low Air Pressure 

Cracks on the valve stem: 

Tyre valves allow the car drivers to fill air in the tyre or deflate the tyre according to the necessity. The valve stem may promote leakage of air due to damage over time. Daily driving conditions like bumps, potholes, and harsh road surfaces will damage the valve stem of your tyres. Check the valve stem regularly and change it if you find any damage signs. 

Damage signs in the wheel:

A bent or damaged wheel may allow the air to escape gradually. Check the wheel as well when you try to detect the leakage problem in your wheel–tyre unit.

Damage in bead:

Corrosion, rusting and other types of damage in the bead may promote leakage of air as well.

Damage in tyres:

Worn and old tyres may promote air loss as well. Road debris like pieces of glass, nails, and screws may damage your tyres to cause low air pressure.

Sometimes, an object like a nail is stuck in the tyre’s body to cause a slow puncture. If you experience low air pressure in your tyres again and again visit a garage to detect the root cause. It is possible a slow puncture is causing air loss slowly in your tyres.

So, these are some reasons that cause the low air pressure in car tyres. You have to prevent these reasons since a low inflation level is not favourable for your tyres.

It increases the contact area to raise the level of friction. A higher level of friction increases the level of heat. Heat in tyres further degrades the rubber material of your tyres.

Moreover, low air pressure in tyres will cause wear and tear on both sides. Thus, your tyres will have a short lifespan as well due to low air pressure. To prevent these problems, check the air pressure in your Tyres Solihull regularly.