Jewellery is one of the important wardrobe essentials for every woman. Every piece of jewellery holds lots of value, whether Customized Artificial Jewellery For The Bride or an anniversary gift or any online artificial jewellery. Preservation of these sentimental pieces in good condition is very important. Jewellery is very delicate and can get damaged with everyday wear. You definitely don’t want to damage that delicate piece of your favourite jewellery while trying to clean it in an improper way. So we are sharing 5 care tips to prevent your jewellery from tarnishing, scratches and dullness.

Quick And Easy Tips To Take Of Your Jewellery
Keep Your Jewellery Safe In A Zip-Lock Bag:- Exposing your jewellery to moisture and air for a long period of time can cause your jewellery to tarnish. To keep your jewellery from tarnishing, store it in a zip-lock bag and squeeze out the excess air after zipping it.
Silver Jewellery Should Be Stored With Chalk:- Storing silver jewellery with chalks will absorb moisture, and dusty jewellery should be put in a dehumidifier or silica packs to keep it away from damage.
Jewellery Should Be Kept Away From Skin Care:- After applying skin care like lotion, perfume or hairspray don’t wear your jewellery. You should also not wear jewellery during swimming and sauna.
Never Ever Leave Your Jewellery In Direct Sunlight:- Direct sunlight or too much exposure to sunlight will make your jewellery gemstones dull.
Wear Your Jewellery Rotationally:- Whether it’s your Traditional Jewellery Set or Artificial Jewellery Online, they are not meant to wear all day and every day. Wear different jewellery every day.

Silver And Gold Jewellery Should Be Kept Separately:- Gold jewellery gets damaged by scratches very easily. Keep each of your jewellery in individual cloth bags or in their own bags.
You Should Wipe Your Jewellery:- When you wear your jewellery the moisture, oil and dust of your body can damage it easily. So every day before storing it back in their boxes, wipe it with a cotton cloth.
Don’t Keep Your Jewellery On Wood:- Never store your jewellery in a wooden box, wooden boxes are chemically treated surfaces which can tarnish your jewellery.
Use Of Toothpaste Can Damage Jewellery:- Cleaning your jewellery with toothpaste can be too harsh for them, and it can damage the jewellery in the long run.
Instead, Use Soap And Warm Water:- Clean your jewellery with soap and warm water. You can mix a few drops of soap in warm water and clean your dull and delicate jewellery in that solution and rub it with a soft cloth then rinse it in cool water and rub it with the cloth until dry.

Whether it’s online artificial jewellery or a CZ Imitation Jewellery they need to check every six months and clean it more often, it will help your jewellery to last long. For any kind of jewellery, visit CIERO JEWELS.