Our body is our source of confidence and self-esteem. As much as we should love our self, from inside and out, we sometimes feel conscious of the way we look and would want certain things to be different as they are now. Well, with the advancement in technology, we can enhance some parts of our bodies or hide the scars you might have received during an accident with aesthetic surgeries. If you are looking to get one done for yourself, we can help you.
We at Chic & Clinic have been practising aesthetic surgery for more than twenty years and have been learning newer techniques from fellow practitioners from all over the world and keeping in par with new technological advancements. We perform classic procedures like facelift procedure, breast augmentation, liposuction, along with various innovative procedures like micro-Botox, thread facelift procedure injection lipolysis, plasmolifting PRP and many more. We aim to make our clients feel confident and comfortable in their skin and curate surgeries according to their needs and requirements.
To know more about us and our surgery procedures, visit our website. For any queries, or to book an appointment with us, give us a call at +386 41 395 375.