How Do The Top Primary Schools Stand Out? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

The best primary schools stand out due to the presence of excellent features and facilities. Read and find out what you can expect at the best primary schools in Adelaide out there.

  1. Excellent teachers - Teachers play a huge role in shaping students’ lives. A good teacher can make or break a student's future. If you want to get ahead in life, then you need to find a school where the teachers are excellent. You should look at how well they teach their classes, what kind of curriculum they use, and whether or not they have any special programs for certain subjects.

  2. Good facilities - A great school should have state-of-the-art facilities. These facilities should be clean and safe. Students should feel comfortable going to class and studying in these facilities. Schools should also provide computers and printers for students to do homework.

  3. Safe environment - Students should feel safe at school. Teachers should monitor the hallways and classrooms to ensure that no one is being bullied or harassed. Bullying and harassment are serious problems in our society today. Top schools take steps to prevent bullying and harassment.

  4. Great extracurricular activities - Schools should offer plenty of opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Whether it is sports, clubs, or academic competitions, students can have many options to choose from. This is the best thing about Avenues college school and other major primary schools out there. Students who participate in extra-curricular activities tend to do better academically than those who do not.

  5. Small class sizes - Class size should be kept small. Too many students in a classroom make it difficult for everyone to learn. Classroom size should be around 25 students.

  6. High graduation rates - If you want to go to college, then you need to graduate high school. Graduation rates should be high. Schools should strive to keep their graduation rate above 90%.

  7. Low dropout rates - Dropout rates should be low. Dropouts cost taxpayers money because they end up having to pay higher tuition fees. In the best schools, you can expect the dropout rate to stay below 10%.

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James advises people about public schools, primary & secondary years programs and courses in Adelaide. You can find his thoughts at avenues college programs blog.

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