Avoid Accidents on Gondola {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Suspended working platforms, often referred to as cradle or gondola, are temporary suspended access platforms that are operated electrically. These can be used for working at a great height, and consist of a movable platform operated by a motor that is suspended by steel wire ropes along a building’s vertical surface. At the top of a building, a suspension mechanism is placed. It can ensure easy erection, high efficiency in construction, higher constructions, robust construction adaptability and more. Find out how accidents can be avoided while working on gondola.

Maintain these in a proper way

It makes sense to maintain these types of systems well, and maintain a proper maintenance record of the same. A competent person needs to carry out regular testing, examination and inspection. A competent examiner must execute the maintenance as per the applicable standards. In all these tests, braking systems, automatic safety devices, limit switches, manual descending facility, emergency stop and functional tests for control need to be included. A competent examiner needs to be there as well.

Create Method Statements

These have to be created for dismantling and erecting gondolas according to the assembly manuals of manufacturers. The erection and dismantling need to be done by expert and trained personnel only, under the watchful eyes of a competent person. Only a competent individual must carry out changes to these structures, only as advised by a professional engineer. These have to be examined thoroughly and load tests have to be performed by an expert examiner. The examination should be done by a competent individual, before any work commences, to make sure that they are in a proper and workable condition.

Check the build quality

The mechanical construction of the suspended working platforms must be ensured. Contractors need to examine all the platforms, and ensure that there are no risks of overturning – with proper support and anchorage in place. Switches, control levers, brakes, working platforms, pulleys, drums, wire ropes suspension ropes and counterweights need to be in perfect condition, as well as in compliance with all the regulatory requirements that are in place.

Make sure that the components of the platforms are safe from corrosion. The electrical components need to also have proper insulation, which can keep them safe from weather issues or fluctuations. Workers need to be offered a safe way to access the gondolas. Get the best suspended scaffolding platforms now and ensure safer construction work at your sites. If you are looking the best construction gondola, Visit this website.

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