How To Custom Bobbleheads Useful? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

If you want to turn your head into a bobblehead, then it is possible to do so in just a few minutes with the help of suitable software. A photo editor is needed to do this, such as Photoshop, but it is paid software and you have to purchase it. But there is much free-to-use software available on the internet, that can be used for this purpose. As a first step open a photo of yourself in an image editor, which should show you from the waist. Next, zoom the photo, then click the lasso tool from the toolbox of Photoshop, and drag it around the outline of your head. Then copy the encircled head and paste it over the photo in a new layer. Then click the arrow tool in the toolbox to drag the bobblehead, and then clean up the remaining area using the eraser tool.

Uses of custom bobbleheads

If you want a bobblehead doll as per your interest and your liking, then there are companies, which offer you custom bobbleheads. For getting this, you have to give, the required pose, clothing, and photo, and send it. For buying a bobblehead custom you can order it online also, on the company’s website, you will get the options for choosing a style, pose, clothing, gender, etc, and you can select out of these options and order. These custom bobbleheads can be ordered for any special event, which is big and you want to promote it. Hence, these can be used for promotion.

A few more uses of bobbleheads

Other uses of bobbleheads are, these can be used for sports events. Initially, bobbleheads were used for the promotion of baseball teams, and in the same way, different sport theme bobbleheads for different teams can be developed. Team management and club management like them because they are cost-effective and easy to display. Bobbleheads can be used as wedding cake toppers also, it may be a surprise for guests. Apart from this, you can give a bobblehead as a return gift and can keep a mini couple bobblehead with you which will always remind you of your special day.

Author Bio

Ryan Johnson writes about art, painting and culture. You can find his thoughts at customized bobbleheads blog.

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