Group Members:
Bryan Hurt, Alex Richardson, Gibson White, Emily Young
Lesson: Famous People In History in the field of Biology
Who are Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and Ron James?
Target Grade Level:
High School (9th-12th)
SC Department of Education State Academic Standards:
Cross Curriculum
High School Course Standards for Social Studies:
Assist students in understanding how people and countries of the world have become increasingly interconnected. Population growth, demand for resources, curiosity, and technology have converged to draw the distant corners of the world closer together. Critical thinking is focal. Emphasis is on why and how people, ideas, and technology have made an impact on diverse groups of people.
Standard MWH-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the influence of ideas and technology.
Enduring Understanding: New ideas and technological developments led to changes in how people viewed the world and how people, in turn, changed their social, economic, and political circumstances. To understand how ideas and technology led to the development of modern society, the student will utilize the knowledge and skills set forth in Indicator: MWH-5.1 Explain how the scientific revolution in Europe led to the questioning of orthodox ideas.
High School Course Standards for Biology 1:
Standard H.B.2: The student will demonstrate the understanding that the essential functions of life take place within cells or systems of cells.
H.B.2A.1 Construct explanations of how the structures of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids (including DNA and RNA) are related to their functions in organisms.
Lesson Plan/Lesson Content:
Lesson Title:
Famous People in History in the field of Biology: Who are Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell, and Ron James?
Subject Area(s): Social Studies/History and Biology
Grade Level(s): 9th - 12th
Number of Students: 20
Date: 3/10/19 (research day/make PowerPoints) 3/11/19 (presentation day)
Class Duration: (each day) (1 hour 20 minutes) 11:10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Standards & Indicators: (see above)
Learning Objective (ABCD)(Audience/Behavior/Condition/Degree): By the end of the class, students in the 9th/10th/11th/12th grade, mid-day block class will be able to complete their PowerPoint slides for their WebQuest questions using their student assigned iPad/laptop to show that they have comprehended the WebQuest research about the lesson topic with an accuracy of 80%.
Assessment: Questions and Website links are provided. Rubric is provided.
Formative Assessment: Throughout the students’ WebQuest research, the teacher will walk around the room answering questions and giving guidance to groups so that they are on task.
Summative Assessment will be the PowerPoint presentation the groups will give to the class.
Differentiation: There are no students in the class that have special needs such as ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, remediation, language diversities (ESL), or physical/visual/aural impairments. The lesson plan includes differentiation strategies for varying rates of learning, learning modalities, and other relevant exceptionalities. The lesson plan includes multi-level activities and materials to challenge and support students of varying backgrounds and abilities.
☒ Visual: the Wikiful page of instructions, Websites, PowerPoint
☒ Auditory: questions, group discussions, class listening and class discussions
☒ Kinesthetic: student involved activities and working together in groups, presentations
☒ Tactile: searching the websites, taking notes, making the PowerPoint
Grouping Students:
The class of 20 students will be grouped into 4 groups of 5 students each. Each group will have a leader, a reader, a writer, a designer, and a presenter. The students will decide among themselves their own roles. Each student must have a role. The groups will present their findings to the class on their sub-topic related to the overall topic so that the class as a whole sees the parts that make up the complete project.
Materials/Resources: Wikiful site, provided websites, provided questions, student’s iPads/laptops, pen/paper if needed for note-taking or can type notes, teacher smartboard/projector.
Educational Technology: iPad, PowerPoint, WebQuest
Pedagogical Strategies:
☒ Hands on Activity
☒ Small Groups
☒ Think-Pair-Share
☒ Web Quest
☒ Reading
☒ Writing
Lesson Structure/ Procedures:
Famous People in History in the field of Biology: Who are Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell, and Ron James?
SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITIES (Step by Step deliverance of plan):
Day 1:
ENGAGE (evoke student interest and curiosity):
Introduction page of Wikiful - introduce overall topic
11:10 am - 11:20 am - explain the project and put the students into groups
EXPLORE (formulate questions and ideas):
11:20 am - 11:25 am - have the groups look at their Task/Purpose page - their related topic and questions
EXPLAIN (main structure – “the meat” of lesson content – key concepts):
11:25 am - 12:25 pm - have the groups do their WebQuest research - and make their PowerPoints, answering their group’s questions.
12:25 pm- 12:30 pm wrap up for the day.
DAY 2:
ELABORATE (extension of what students will do with the content; interdisciplinary connections):
11:10 am - 12:30 pm - have the groups present their PowerPoints.
11:10 am - 11:30 am Group 1
11:30 am - 11:50 am Group 2
11:50 am - 12:10 am Group 3
12:10 am - 12:30 am Group 4
EVALUATE (assess how you know what the students know)
As the groups are presenting their PowerPoint’s/research findings, interject questions and have class discussions if need be. Teacher will be able to tell if the students comprehended the material by if their PowerPoint’s make sense and includes the content that has been asked for.
END (lesson closure; indicators of success)
Wrap up comments that summarizes the lesson
Safety Considerations: none, the website links provided are appropriate, do not pose a safety risk, and there is to be no surfing of other websites.
Follow Up:
Understanding is gauged by the number of questions that students ask/respond to and the sharing of ideas during the class period. If a student does not meet the intended learner outcomes, instruction will be reinforced at the beginning of the next lesson. If understanding is still not achieved, teacher will meet individually with student for additional tutoring. If understanding is not being achieved by a majority of the class, teacher will reevaluate and revise lesson planning strategies and activities.
Questioning: As teachable moments come up.
Linking Theory to Practice:
Learning is constructed in the context of social interaction and language (Vygotsky). Focus is on cooperative learning. Students will be asked in small group work (expert groups) to read an assigned section of the text and report back to the class their findings on the sub-topic (jigsaw model).
provided on the Resource page of the Wikiful.